How to edit existing pages

How to edit existing pages

To create a new page, you use create_page with no options - the mdshell script will run and you can write your post in the terminal.

But what if you make a mistake while writing your post? With mdshell it is impossible to 'go back' (up) a line and fix any mistakes, because as soon as you hit ENTER you're on a new line, and can't go back (mdshell takes the input from the terminal, and writes it to a markdown file, line by line).

So how to edit a pre-existing post?

Easy. Simply open the relevant .mdsh file in a text editor, make your changes and save.

Finally, to rebuild the new HTML file from your edited/fixed markdown, just run this command:


./create_page posts/2019/02/13/better-site-headers.mdsh > posts/2019/02/13/better-site-headers.html

Done! That is how to edit existing posts and rebuild the HTML pages.