It works! Easier post editing and converting is on the way...

It works! Easier post editing and converting is on the way...

After the last fix, and as described in previous posts, each time you create a post, this blog tool thing will now save 3 files:

  • file.mdsh - a custom format, contains post meta info, markdown, html, embedded sub-shell commands
  • - a valid markdown file, contains only post body and the results of any embedded sub-shell commands
  • file.html - a valid HTML file generated from the .md file

So, as of this post, it will be easier to:

  • convert the posts into PDF, bbcode, or some other format
  • edit existings posts - just edit the md file and run update_pages -all

To do

I still need to update mdshell so it can re-parse existing .mdsh files, not just take input form the user via the terminal.

After that is implemented, you will be able to edit any existing .mdsh files and generate the .md and .html from those.