Adding HTML and CSS minification

Adding HTML and CSS minification

As of the last update, your HTML pages (and any CSS files they use) will be minified by default when running update_pages.

This should make them smaller in filesize and your site should load a little faster.

The minification is done by a new script called minify. It takes no arguments, and when run, it will search the current folder (and all sub-folders) for HTML and CSS files and then minify them.

A few points to note:

  • the original HTML files are replaced by the minified versions
  • the original CSS files are preserved - a file.min.css is created
  • all HTML pages are updated to use the minified CSS files instead of the originals
  • all minification must be done after creating the RSS feed

Don't worry, the update_pages script handles it all for you.

Here is the contents of the new minify script:


# minifies HTML and CSS files,  requires no arguments

# usage: minify

# The script will then find all html and css files in the
# current dir (recursively) and replace them with minified
# versions

# minify HTML and CSS
echo "Minifying HTML and CSS.."

css_files="`find . -type f -name "*.css" | grep -v '.min.css' | sort -r`"
for css_file in $css_files
  cp "$css_file" "$minified_file"
  cat "$css_file" 
    | grep -v '/\*' 
    | tr -d '
    | sed -e 's/  / /g' 
          -e 's/ {/{/g' 
          -e 's/{ /{/g' 
          -e 's/ }/}/g' 
          -e 's/: /:/g' 
          -e 's/; /;/g' > "$minified_file"

html_files="`find . -type f -name "*.html" | grep -v 'min.html' | sort -r`"
for html_file in $html_files
  sed -i 's|.css?v=|.min.css?v=|g' $html_file
  sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/>\s*</></g' $html_file > ${html_file//.html/.minhtml}
  mv ${html_file//.html/.minhtml} ${html_file}