Improving SEO with JSON-LD Breadcrumbs

I've added a new script the the .app/ folder, called breadcrumb.

This script is called by create_page, when generating a pages meta HTML.

The usage for breadcrumb is simply to pass a URL to it:

breadcrumb posts/2019/03/10/improving-seo-with-json-ld-breadcrumbs.html

It will print (to stdout) a (hopefully) valid JSON-LD BreadcrumbList like this one:

<script id="breadcrumb-ld" type="application/ld+json">{
"@context": "",
"@type": "BreadcrumbList",
"itemListElement": [
  "@type": "ListItem",
  "position": 1,
  "item": {
    "@id": "",
    "name": "mdsh - Mdsh"
  "@type": "ListItem",
  "position": 2,
  "item": {
    "@id": "",
    "name": "mdsh - Posts"
  "@type": "ListItem",
  "position": 3,
  "item": {
    "@id": "",
    "name": "mdsh - Posts from 2019"
  "@type": "ListItem",
  "position": 4,
  "item": {
    "@id": "",
    "name": "mdsh - Posts from March 2019"
  "@type": "ListItem",
  "position": 5,
  "item": {
    "@id": "",
    "name": "mdsh - Posts from March 2019"
  "@type": "ListItem",
  "position": 6,
  "item": {
    "@id": "",
    "name": "mdsh - Unpublishing pages"

The above JSON-LD was generated by breadcrumb. Here is the contents of the breadcrumb script: