More responsive pages

Each page created using mdsh now gives you some extra CSS classes to work with, so you can more easily target specific browsers and devices.

The classes are added to (or removed from) the <body> tag of each post or page created, and are as follows:

  • no-js - added to all pages at build time, removed by app.js when it loads
  • touchscreen - added by app.js if users device is a touchscreen device
  • low-battery - added by app.js if a battery with low remaining charge is detected
  • webgl - added by app.js if the users browser supports WebGL

You can use these classes in your CSS to do things such as:

  • show/hide content from users don't have JavaScript enabled
  • enable/disable animations for (non) WebGL enabled browsers
  • disable features/animations for users with low battery % remaining
  • and so on

Some other classes are added to <body> at build time, which help you style pages and categories individually:

  • the category name is added to <body> as .category-{name}
  • the page slug name is added to <body>, for example .my-cool-page

You can then target individual categories or pages in your CSS like so:

.category-main .main-container {
  /* styles that only affect the pages category main */

.my-cool-page .post-header {
  /* styles for only my-cool-page.html */

Hopefully these changes make it easier to customise your site for your users in a more granular and responsive way.