Mustache templating

I've totally re-written mdsh. It now uses a Mustache templating system, which makes it much easier to edit, manage and create layouts for your pages.

Template files live in .app/templates/, sorted by type into folders - html, js, etc.

The basics

The templates require various variables to be set before they are used - collectively we can call these variables the "page data":


Here is an example template which uses some of the page data above:


For more complex stuff, read on.

How the templating works

A render function is used in generate_page_content to run mo and convert templates to HTML, using the $page_ variables as input data.

There is a "main" template in .app/templates/html/main.mustache. This is the template from which your HTML pages are generated. It includes things like {{site_header}}, and if you look in .app/functions/generate_page_content.bash, you'll see a function also called site_header - it's this function which generates the site header HTML output for the main template.

You can add new functions to these files which generate HTML for any page areas or elements, and call them in the templates like so: {{my_func_name}}.

More advanced usage

In order to do complex things, like using custom variables, complex logic, etc, you can create a shell function, called foo, which outputs HTML, and you can then call that function in your templates like so:


^ this will execute your foo shell function, and replace {{foo}} with the output of your function. This is very handy if you need some complex logic to manage your HTML output, or if you need to pre-process some other templates using different data, before inserting it into your page.

Loops in templates

If you need to create a loop in your templates, then you have to do it this way:

Example: let's create a template called "coolthing", that uses a loop:

  1. create a .app/templates/html/coolthing.mustache file, that looks like this:
<ul class="some-list">

      {{}} - {{ITEM.descr}}

  1. add {{coolthing}} to one of the existing templates

  2. add a function called 'coolthing' to a file in .app/functions/

  3. in your new function:

    • get some data - a list of posts, authors, or something like that
    • create an empty ITEMS array, like so: ITEMS=()
    • create a for or while loop, and inside it:
      • create some items variables: item_name="cool name"; item_descr="bar baz";
      • create the variable $hash_name, containing your hash:
        • hash_name="hash_${RANDOM}"; declare -A $hash_name
      • add it all to the ITEMS array: eval $ (add_keys_to_hash)
    • lastly, after your loop, return the HTML by calling render coolthing

...and that's all about the new templating system, for now.

The item variables available inside the {{#ITEM}} loops of your templates are:


Other recent changes to mdsh

Cleaner code

  • all data (post and page vars) now separated from layouts completely
  • All data (from meta info in .mdsh files, or from post_** vars passed to gathered and organised into arrays, then passed to mo.
  • All templates separated into <renderer>/_<layout>.mustache (Example: html/_list.mustache)
  • Main scripts are as DRY as can be.

Render multiple formats

  • templates for different output types (HTML, JS, JSON-LD) live in different folders
  • look in .app/templates/<format>/
  • where <format> can be html, json-ld, js
  • in future, can add more formats: css, amp, fbia, rss, etc
  • this makes it easy to render the site in HTML, and in other formats

Fixes in JSON-LD generation

  • better breadcrumbs
  • fixed all URLs (should be full URLs, not relative)
  • fixed author info
  • fixed mainEntityOfPage in article info

More robust CSS for post headers/footers

  • not using nth-child() anymore,
  • added some class names to target instead

W3C validation

  • removing the Google Font URL (containing |) from <head> fixes a W3C validation error
  • CSS and JSON-LD also validate

Frontend performance improvement

  • add Google Font CSS to main CSS file at build time

Improvements to search page

  • better document/heading layout, looks nicer

Improvements displaying page/post dates

  • using <time datetime="2019-06-24">

Fixes in page meta

  • fixed canonical url
  • simpler google analytics stuff
  • fixed IE classes

Improvements to

  • fixed: don't publish out-of-date sitemap and RSS feeds
  • the solution used: commit & push the pages first, then generate the RSS feed and XML sitemaps...
  • (The RSS feed and XML sitemaps are generated from the online/published version of the site, hence committing & pushing the html pages first..)